P6995/M-21-133; LTD Broadband;
E6741,PT7102,P6995/ Minnesota Rural Electric Association;
M-22-221 Minnesota Telecom Alliance
In the Matter of a Petition to Initiate a Proceeding to Revoke the Expanded Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation of LTD Broadband LLC and Deny LTD's Funding Certification for 2023;
In the Matter of the Petition of LTD Broadband LLC to Expand Its Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
Should the Commission grant LTD Broadband's Request to relinquish the Company's RDOF ETC designation in the census block identified in the Commission's June 3, 2021 Order in Docket No. P-6995/M-21-133? (PUC: Fournier, McShane; DOC: Gonzalez, Tiamiyu)