Meeting Name: PUC Agenda Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/1/2015 9:30 AM  
Meeting location: Large Hearing Room
Published agenda: Agenda Decisions Agenda Decisions Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: View Case Record M-11-409, View Case Record GR-08-1075, View Case Record S-15-411, View Case Record M-15-195, View Case Record M-15-165, View Case Record M-14-237, View Case Record PR-14-12, View Case Record PR-13-186, View Case Record RP-14-77, View Case Record CN-14-853, View Case Record TL-15-204, View Case Record CN-14-320, View Case Record PPL-15-137
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionAction Details
Details 2014-161 21. M - Miscellaneous* E015/M-11-409 Minnesota Power In the Matter of Minnesota Power’s Petition for Approval of a Rider for Customer Affordability of Residential Electricity (CARE) Program. Should the Commission accept Minnesota Power’s (MP) eight annual report on its Customer Affordability of Residential Electricity (CARE) Program? (PUC: Ubani)  Action details
Details 2015-153 12. M - MiscellaneousG008/M-95-292; CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a G008/GR-08-1075 CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gas In the Matter of the Request of Minnegasco for Approval of Its Annual Manufactured Gas Plant Update Compliance Filing; In the Matter of an Application by CenterPoint Energy for Authority to Increase Natural Gas Rates in Minnesota. Should the Commission authorize CenterPoint Energy to discontinue annual reporting of its environmental clean-up activities as recommended by the Department of Commerce? (PUC: Alonso; DOC: Byrne)  Action details
Details 2015-151 13. S - Securities* E017/S-15-411 Otter Tail Power Company In the Matter of Otter Tail Power Company's Request for Approval of its 2015 Capital Structure and Permission to Issue Securities. Should the Commission approve OTP's request to issue securities? Should the Commission approve OTP’s proposed capital structure? Should the Commission approve OTP's proposed total capitalization? Should the Commission grant OTP’s request for variance from Minn. Rule, pt. 7825.1000, Subp. 6? Should the Commission require OTP to file additional information? (PUC: Krishnan, Kaml)  Action details
Details 2015-154 14. M - Miscellaneous* G002/M-15-195 Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy In the Matter of the Petition of Northern States Power Company for Approval of Extension Surcharge Provisions in the New Area Surcharge Rider Tariff and to Bring Barnesville and Holdingford Under the Governance of the Modified Tariff. Should the Commission adopt the Department’s April 1, 2015 recommendation and approve Xcel’s proposed revisions to its New Area Surcharge (NAS) and Extension Surcharge (ES) Rider tariff? Should the Commission approve Xcel’s April 13, 2015 proposed clarification to the tariff language that describes surcharge revenue? (PUC: Brill; DOC: St. Pierre)  Action details
Details 2015-152 15. M - Miscellaneous* G011/M-15-165 Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation In the Matter of a Petition by Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation for Approval to Modify Its Main and Service Extension Model and Amend Its Extension Tariffs. Should the Commission approve Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation’s (MERC’s) proposed modifications to its Main and Service Extension Model and its Amended Extension Tariff Sheets? (PUC: Brill)  Action details
Details 2015-149 16. M - Miscellaneous* E999/M-14-237; All Electric Utilities Subject to Minnesota Statutes §216B.1691 E999/PR-14-12; E999/PR-13-186; In the Matter of Commission Consideration and Determination on Compliance with Renewable Energy Standards; In the Matter of a Renewable Energy Certificate Retirement Report for Compliance Year 2013; In the Matter of a Renewable Energy Certificate Retirement Report for Compliance Year 2012. What action should the Commission take on the RES plans filed by electric utilities? (PUC: Rebholz)  Action details
Details 2015-160 17. RP - Resource Planning** E001/RP-14-77 Interstate Power and Light Company In the Matter of Interstate Power and Light’s 2014-2029 Integrated Resource Plan. Should the Commission approve Interstate Power and Light’s 2014-2029 Resource Plan? What modifications, if any, should Interstate Power and Light make to its Resource Plan? When should Interstate Power and Light file its next Resource Plan? (PUC: Stalpes, Twite)  Action details
Details 2015-085 18. CN - Certificate of Need*a ET2,E015/CN-14-853 Great River Energy; Minnesota Power In the Matter of the Joint Application of Great River Energy and Minnesota Power for a Certificate of Need and Route Permit for the Motley Area 115 KV Transmission Line Project in Morrison, Cass, and Todd Counties. Should the Commission find that the Environmental Report/Assessment on this project is complete and addresses the Scoping Decision of the Department of Commerce? Should the Commission grant a Certificate of Need for the proposed 115 kV transmission line project? (PUC: DeBleeckere) b ET2/E015/TL-15-204 Great River Energy; Minnesota Power In the Matter of the Joint Application of Great River Energy and Minnesota Power for a Route Permit for the Motley Area 115 kV Transmission Line Project in Morrison, Cass and Todd Counties. Should the Commission find that the Environmental Assessment and the record on this project adequately address the issues identified in the Scoping Decision? Should the Commission issue a route permit identifying a specific route and permit conditions for the proposed 115 kV   Action details
Details 2014-156 39. CN - Certificate of Need** PL5/CN-14-320 Minnesota Pipe Line Company, LLC In the matter of the Application of Minnesota Pipe Line Company, LLC for a Certificate of Need for the Minnesota Pipe Line Reliability Project to Increase Pumping Capacity on Line 4 Crude Oil Pipeline in Hubbard, Wadena, Morrison, Meeker, McLeod and Scott Counties Minnesota. Should the Commission grant a certificate of need to Minnesota Pipe Line Company, LLC (MPL) for the Minnesota Pipe Line Reliability Project? (PUC: Panait)  Action details
Details 2015-134 110. CN - Certificate of Need** PL9/CN-14-916; Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership PL9/PPL-15-137; PL9/C-20-801 In the Matter of the Application of Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership, for a Certificate of Need and Route Permit for the Proposed Line 3 Replacement Project in Minnesota from the North Dakota Border to the Wisconsin Border; In the Matter of Honor the Earth’s October 27, 2020 Petition for Investigation and Complaint Concerning the Capacity of the Enbridge Mainline System. Should the Commission reconsider its December 9, 2020 Order Denying Motion for Stay Pending Appeal? (PUC: Ek) The Commission has the authority to accept or decline a petition for reconsideration with or without a hearing or oral argument (Minnesota Rules 7829.3000, Subpart 6) In other words, a decision on a petition for reconsideration can be made without taking oral comments at the Commission meeting.  Action details