Details 2025-021
| 1 | 1. | | SA - Service Area | * E0145,328/SA-24-428 MiEnergy Cooperative;
City of Whalan
In the Matter of the Joint Request of the MiEnergy Cooperative and the City of Whalan to Modify Electric Service Territory Boundaries.
Should the Commission approve the transfer of territory from the City of Whalan to MiEnergy Cooperative? (PUC: Noyce; DOC: Behr) | |
Action details
Details 2025-010
| 1 | 2. | | CI - Commission Initiated Investigation | ** E999/CI-24-316 All Electric Utilities
In the Matter of the Investigation into Transmission-Curtailment Matters, Drivers, and Potential Solutions to Limitations Resulting from the Nobles County Substation.
What action, if any, should the Commission take regarding the investigation into the Nobles County Substation? (PUC: Panait) | |
Action details
Details 2024-083
| 2 | 3. | | GS - Power Plan Siting Non-wind | ** IP7103/GS-22-451 Enbridge Solar (Plummer), LLC
In the Matter of the Application of Enbridge Solar (Plummer), LLC for a Site Permit for the up to 130 MW Plummer Solar Project in Red Lake County, MN.
1. Should the Commission adopt the Administrative Law Judge’s Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommendation?
2. Should the Commission find that the environmental assessment and the record created at the public hearing adequately address the issues identified in the scoping decision?
3. Should the Commission issue a site permit for the up to 130-megawatt Plummer Solar Energy Generating System? (PUC: Lobby, Janezich) | |
Action details
Details 2021-095
| 3 | 4. | | M - Miscellaneous | ** E002/M-20-86 Northern States Power Co. d/b/a Xcel Energy
In the Matter of the Petition for Approval of a General Time-Of-Use Service Tariff.
1. Should the Commission approve Xcel’s tariff changes as proposed in their February 23, 2024, petition filing?
2. Should the Commission approve Xcel’s recruitment plan modification as proposed in their June 20, 2024, petition filing? (PUC: Gomez) | |
Action details
Details 2025-025
| 1 | 5. | | M - Miscellaneous | ** E002/M-23-524 Northern States Power Co. d/b/a Xcel Energy
In the Matter of the Petition of Xcel Energy for Approval of a Residential Time of Use Rate Design.
Should the Commission approve Xcel Energy’s petition for a residential time-of-use rate design as found in its August 16, 2024 letter? (PUC: Dornfeld) | |
Action details