Meeting Name: PUC Agenda Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/26/2019 9:30 AM  
Meeting location: Large Hearing Room
Published agenda: Agenda Decisions Agenda Decisions Published minutes: Mintues Mintues  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionAction Details
Details 2014-369 61. CN - Certificate of Need** PL9/CN-14-916 Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership In the Matter of the Motion for Clarification of Prior Order Dated January 23, 2019 Approving Compliance Filings as Modified and Denying Motion in the Line 3 Replacement Project Certificate of Need Docket. What action should the Commission take on the Motion for Clarification of Prior Order Dated January 23, 2019 Approving Compliance Filings as Modified and Denying Motion? (PUC: Ek)  Action details
Details 2015-150 42. PPL - Petroleum Pipeline** PL9/PPL-15-137 Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership In the Matter of the Application of Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership for a Routing Permit for the Proposed Line 3 Replacement Project in Minnesota from the North Dakota Border to the Wisconsin Border 1. What action should the Commission take on Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership’s May 5, 2020 Application for Approval of Route Width Variations and Permit Amendment? 2. Should the Commission change certain conditions in the Pipeline Routing Permit to improve the efficiency of the public safety liaison process? (PUC: Ek)  Action details