Details 2019-170
| 2 | 1. | | GR - General Rate | ** E111/GR-19-478 Dakota Electric Association
In the Matter of the Application by Dakota Electric Association for Authority to Increase Rates for Electric Service in Minnesota.
Should the Commission adopt the recommendations in the ALJ’s Report? (PUC: Bonnett; Alonso; Krishnan; Manning; O’Grady; Ubani) | |
Action details
Details 2020-090
| 1 | 2. | | M - Miscellaneous | * E999/AA-19-402; Dakota Electric Association
In the Matter of the Review of the 2018-2019 Annual Automatic adjustment for Dakota Electric Association;
In the Matter of Dakota Electric Association’s 2020 Annual Resource and Tax Adjustment.
1. Should the Commission accept Dakota Electric’s 2018-2019 Annual Automatic Adjustment (AAA) Report?
2. Should the Commission approve a variance to Minnesota Rules to allow Dakota Electric to file future AAA reports with the annual RTA filing?
3. Should the Commission approve Dakota’s proposed 2020 RTA factors? (PUC: Bonnett, Ubani) | |
Action details
Details 2019-142
| 2 | 3. | | RP - Resource Planning | ** ET6125/RP-19-425 Basin Electric Power Cooperative
In the Matter of Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s (Basin) Integrated Resource Plan.
1. Should the Commission grant approval of Sierra Club, Fresh Energy, and the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy’s (SCFEMCEA, Environmental Intervenors or EI) Motion to Compel Basin’s Response to Information Requests (IRs)?
2. What action should the Commission take on Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s (Basin) Optional Integrated Resource Plan? (PUC: Bahn) | |
Action details
Details 2020-089
| 1 | 4. | | CI - Commission Initiated Investigation | ** E,G999/CI-20-375 All Rate-Regulated Gas and Electric Utilities
In the Matter of an Inquiry into Actions by Electric and Natural Gas Utilities in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency.
What action should the Commission take on Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s clarified request? (PUC: Martone) | |
Action details