Details 2022-277
| 2 | 1. | | CN - Certificate of Need | ** IP6981/CN-20-865; Dodge County Wind, LLC
In the Matter of the Application of Dodge County Wind, LLC for a Certificate of Need, a Site Permit, and a Route Permit for the up to 259 MW Large Wind Energy Conversion System and associated 161 kV Transmission Line in Dodge, Mower and Steele Counties, Minnesota.
1. Should the Commission find that the environmental assessment and the record created at the public hearing adequately address the issues identified in the scoping decision?
2. Should the Commission adopt the administrative law judge’s Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommendation?
3. Should the Commission grant a certificate of need for the 252-megawatt Dodge County Wind, LLC large wind energy conversion system and associated 161-kilovolt high-voltage transmission line?
4. Should the Commission issue a site permit for the 252-megawatt Dodge County Wind, LLC large wind energy conversion system?
5. Should the Commission issue a route permit for the associated 161-kilovolt high-voltage transmission line? (PUC: Lobby) | |
Action details
Details 2024-077
| 1 | 2. | | CN - Certificate of Need | ** E002/CN-22-131; Northern States Power Co. d/b/a Xcel
E002/TL-22-132 Energy
In the Matter of the Application of Northern States Power Co. d/b/a Xcel Energy for a Certificate of Need and Route Permit for the Minnesota Energy Connection Project in Sherburne, Stearns, Kandiyohi, Wright, Meeker, Chippewa, Yellow Medicine, Renville, Redwood, and Lyon counties in Minnesota.
1. What action should the Commission take concerning route alternatives to be evaluated in the environmental impact statement?
2. What actions, if any, should the Commission take concerning other procedural items? (PUC: Ek) | |
Action details
Details 2024-075
| 1 | 3. | | CI - Commission Initiated Investigation | ** E002,015,017/CI-23- Northern States Power Co. d/b/a Xcel Energy;
403 Minnesota Power;
Otter Tail Power Co.
In the Matter of the Implementation of the New Distributed Solar Energy Standard Pursuant to 2023 Amendments to Minnesota Statutes, Section 216B.1691.
What clarifications must the Commission make to operationalize the state’s distributed solar energy standard (DSES)? (PUC: Nikitas; Northagen) | |
Action details