Details 2024-179
| 1 | 1. | | CI - Commission Initiated Investigation | * P999/CI-24-253 All Local Exchange Carriers
In the Matter of Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP) Review.
Should the Commission accept the Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP) Fund Review submitted on September 25, 2024, for the Six-Month Period Ending June 30, 2024? (PUC: Fournier) | |
Action details
Details 2024-011
| 3 | 2. | | TL - Transmission Line | * ET2/TL-23-410 Great River Energy
In the Matter of the Application of Great River Energy for a Route Permit for the 115-kV Pilot Knob to Burnsville Rebuild and Upgrade Project in Dakota County, Minnesota.
1. Should the Commission adopt the administrative law judge’s Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommendation?
2. Should the Commission find that the environmental assessment and the record created at the public hearing adequately address the issues identified in the scoping decision?
3. Should the Commission issue a route permit identifying a specific route and permit conditions for the 115-kV Pilot Knob to Burnsville Rebuild and Upgrade Project? (PUC: Culbertson) | |
Action details
Details 2024-184
| 1 | 3. | | CI - Commission Initiated Investigation | ** E002,015,017/CI- Northern States Power Co. d/b/a Xcel Energy;
24-248 Minnesota Power;
Otter Tail Power Co.
In the Matter of the Interconnection Ombudsperson Surcharge.
What actions should the Commission take to establish procedures on funding provisions for the interconnection ombudsperson position? (PUC: Nissen) | |
Action details