Details 2021-308
| 1 | 1. | | RV - Revocation Investigation | P6541/RV-21-771 Silv Communications, Inc.
In the Matter of the Revocation of Silv Communications, Inc.’s Certificate of Authority. (PUC: Fournier; DOC: Dietz)
Note: Silv Communications filed a letter with the Oregon PUC on December 31, 2020 stating “Silv Communications, Inc. . . . will be closing permanently at the end of January 2021 due to the present circumstances that our nation is facing with this pandemic.” | |
Action details
Details 2021-186
| 3 | 2. | | CI - Commission Initiated Investigation | ** P405,407,5316/CI- Frontier Communications of Minnesota, Inc.;
21-150 Citizens Telecommunications Company of
Minnesota, LLC;
Frontier Communications of America, Inc.
In the Matter of a Commission Inquiry into Frontier Communications’ Virtual Separation Analysis.
How should the Commission proceed with this investigation? (PUC: Fournier) | |
Action details
Details 2021-265
| 1 | 3. | | C - Complaint | ** P421/C-20-432 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC
In the Matter of a Formal Complaint regarding the services provide by the Qwest Corporation, d/b/a CenturyLink in Minnesota, on behalf of the Communications Workers of America (CWA).
1. Has CenturyLink violated the following Minnesota Rules: 7810.3300 (Maintenance of Plant and Equipment), 7810.5000 (Utility Obligations), or 7810.5800 (Interruptions of Service)?
2. If CenturyLink is found to be in violation of the identified Commission Rules, what are the appropriate remedies? (PUC: McShane, Fournier) | |
Action details
Details 2013-293
| 5 | 4. | | CI - Commission Initiated Investigation | ** E,G999/CI-08-133 All Investor-Owned Electric and Gas Utilities
In the Matter of Commission Review of Utility Performance Incentives for Energy Conservation.
Should the Commission approve the proposed modifications to the existing Shared Savings Demand-Side Management (DSM) Financial Incentive Mechanism for implementation beginning in 2024, as found in the Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources’ September 1, 2023, comments? (PUC: Strauss, Zhang) | |
Action details
Details 2021-289
| 1 | 5. | | M - Miscellaneous | ** E002/M-21-433 Xcel Energy
In the Matter of a Petition for a Proposed Tariff Modification for a Nonstandard Provision to Uniform Statewide Contract for Cogeneration and Small Power Production Facilities.
Should the Commission approve or modify Xcel Energy’s December 17, 2021 proposed tariff to allow a tenant to benefit from net metering (including the PV Demand Credit Rider) where the DER system is owned by the commercial property owner? (PUC: McShane, Duran) | |
Action details
Details 2021-232
| 2 | 6. | | M - Miscellaneous | E015/M-21-257 Minnesota Power
In the Matter of Minnesota Power’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Investment. (PUC: Terwilliger, Pham; DOC: Johnson) | |
Action details
Details 2021-271
| 1 | 7. | | CN - Certificate of Need | ** E002/CN-21-668 Xcel Energy
In the Matter of the Application of Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy for a Certificate of Need for Additional Dry Cask Storage at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation in Wright County.
1. Should the Commission approve a certificate of need for additional dry cask storage at the existing Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation?
2. If approved, what, if any, additional condition(s) should be included in the Commission’s Order? (PUC: Kaluzniak) | |
Action details