* IP7014/CN-19-486; Red Rock Solar, LLC
In the Matter of the Application of Red Rock Solar, LLC for a Certificate of Need for the up to 60 MW Red Rock Solar Project in Cottonwood County, Minnesota;
In the Matter of the Application of Red Rock Solar, LLC for a Site Permit for the up to 60 MW Red Rock Solar Project in Cottonwood County, Minnesota.
1. Should the Commission accept the certificate of need application as substantially complete and authorize review using the Commission’s informal process or refer the matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings for contested case proceedings?
2. Should the Commission accept the site permit application as substantially complete and authorize review under the alternative permitting process?
3. Should the Commission direct that the certificate of need and site permit applications be processed jointly (i.e. joint public information meetings, joint public hearings, and an environmental assessment in lieu of an environmental report)?
4. Should the Commission appoint an advisory task force for the siting of the proposed solar energy generating system?
5. What actions should the Commission take concerning the public hearing process and procedures?
6. Should the Commission vary the time limits of certain rules related to the processing of the applications? (PUC: Bruce)